Duration: 3 hours
Museum visits are not included.

“Government House” – Drive past the amazingly beautiful and majestic “Government House” building, which fits perfectly into the overall architecture of the city.

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center (inspection from outside)
Stop near the creation of the famous architect Zaha Hadid, which is among the most expressive world architectural structures of the 21st century. The building is distinguished by incredibly smooth outlines and the absence of corners.

Flame Towers
“Flame Towers” ​​or “Flame Towers” ​​are a symbol of modern Baku, representing three giant buildings shaped like tongues of fire.

Nagorny Park – Stop at the highest point of the city with a unique view of the sea bay and the city of Baku.
And also “Little Venice”, Mugam center, Governor’s kindergarten, State Philharmonic, etc.

White City
Driving past the former oil-industrial zone “Black City”, now rightly renamed “White City”. The reason for this was the implementation of the grandiose project “Baku White City”, during which all old industrial enterprises were removed, in the place of which modern residential areas grew.

Visit the very first oil well in the world.
It was in Baku in 1846 that the world’s first oil well was drilled mechanically.

Green Bazaar
Visit the most colorful bazaar in Baku.
Here guests can optionally buy seasonal fruits, vegetables, sweets, teas, fish and of course caviar.


Duration: 2-2.5 hours


*Old City:
Twin Gates (Gosha Gala)
Caravanserais (12-17 centuries)
Hamams (15-17 centuries)
Maiden Tower (12 centuries)
Juma Mosque (15 centuries)
Streets where they filmed ” Diamond Hand”
*Philharmonic Garden (the very first park)
*Architectural houses of the 19th-20th century


Duration: 3 hours

This is a 3-hour excursion with visits to 2 historical reserves.
1. Temple of fire worshipers (Ateshgah). It is assumed that at the beginning of our era an eternal fire burned on the territory of the temple. In the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, local fire worshipers decided to erect a temple over this sacred land. But the first temple was destroyed by Arab conquerors.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, Indian merchants decided to build a new Zoroastrian temple on this territory. Today there are only three temples left in the world, one of them is in Baku.
2. “Yanardag” (“Fire Mountain”) is a natural eternal fire that has been burning since ancient times on the hillside in the village of Muhammedi. In ancient times, there were several fiery lands around the Absheron Peninsula. In these areas, natural gas came out of the ground and an eternal fire burned. These eternal flames were once considered a cult place for fire worshipers.
Most of these “firelands” went out due to industrial oil production on the peninsula in the 19th century. Today, there are 2 fire mountains preserved in Azerbaijan.


Duration: 4-5 hours

The State Historical and Artistic Reserve “Gobustan” is a unique monument of world significance and was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007. 
“Museum of Petroglyphs” – this is the name of Gobustan – a mountainous place in the southeast of the Greater Caucasus Range, located 65 km south of Baku. It was here that ancient sites of primitive people were found, leaving behind many rock carvings – petroglyphs. These primitive art monuments reflect the culture, economy, worldview, customs and traditions of ancient people. Once upon a time, the sea splashed right at the foot of these mountains, but then retreated, leaving characteristic relief marks on the polished rocks.
After unusual drawings on rocks were accidentally discovered in the 30s of the 20th century, more than 6 thousand of them have already been “discovered” (on 1000 rocks). Ancient primitive dwellings were also found – caves and sites, and more than 100 thousand objects of material culture. Gobustan petroglyphs belong to different eras. They were made in the period from the 18th -10th millennia BC. e. until the Middle Ages AD.

Mud volcanoes (20 km from Gobustan). Azerbaijan ranks first in the world in terms of the number of mud volcanoes. Azerbaijan has about 350 of the 800 mud volcanoes. You will be able to thoroughly enjoy unusual natural monuments and take a lot of unusual photographs.


Distance: Baku – Gabala (225 km)

Duration: 12 hours

Shamakhi . The city is located 120 km west of Baku, on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The ancient city is at least 2800 years old. This ancient city inspired A.S. Pushkin to write a poem about the Shamakhan queen. Unfortunately, frequent earthquakes repeatedly destroyed this ancient city. Only two historical monuments have survived to this day. One of them is the Juma Mosque (“ Friday Mosque”).

The Juma Mosque  was built in 743 and is considered the second early mosque in the Caucasus. Azerbaijanis are the first people in the Caucasus who accepted the faith of Islam and are still considered the bearers of this religion. Guests can view this unique religious monument.

Gabala is a beautiful corner of Azerbaijan with a rich and ancient history. For 800 years, the city of Gabala was the capital of Caucasian Albania, an ancient state located on the territory of modern Azerbaijan. To this day, the ruins of the ancient city and the main gate of the capital of Caucasian Albania have been preserved here. There are a great many historical and cultural monuments of different eras in the Gabala region.
In recent years, modern hotels and recreation centers have been built in the city of Gabala and its picturesque surroundings. In the summer, international festivals are held here annually, bringing together famous musicians, artists and artistic groups from all over the world.

Lake Nokhur – in the Gabala region – is one of the most popular tourist places in our country. The lake is unusual, beautiful, surrounded by mountains and reed thickets, and resembles a mirror into which the wooded slopes look. The peculiarity of this reservoir is that, although it is located high in the mountains, it is easily accessible; you can get here by car and even stay in a local recreation area.

Summer-winter Recreation and Tourism Complex “Tufandag”  – This recreational tourist site, which has all the favorable conditions for recreation in the mountainous area, is located approximately 4 km from the city of Gabala. The “Qafqaz Resort” hotel complex, located in close proximity to the ski resort currently under construction, consists of three hotel buildings, a SPA center, and an entertainment park. This complex opens up ample opportunities for a complete summer holiday. The construction of a ski complex near the hotel will allow tourists to relax in this beautiful place throughout the year and conduct various excursions to local attractions during the winter-summer period. The complex is equipped with a cable car. Walking on the cable car allows you to admire beautiful views of the mountain landscapes.
Guests who come to Gabala on vacation will be able to visit the picturesque mountain lake Nokhurgel.


Duration: 2 days

Day 1.

Meeting at the hotel with a guide. A two-day tour begins in Sheki. The first stop will be in the city of Shamakhi.
Shamakhi.  The city of Shamakhi is located 120 km west of Baku, on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The ancient city is at least 2800 years old. This ancient city inspired A.S. Pushkin to write a poem about the Shamakhan queen. Unfortunately, frequent earthquakes repeatedly destroyed this ancient city. Only two historical monuments have survived to this day. One of them is the Juma Mosque (“Friday Mosque”).
Juma Mosque was built in 743 and is considered the second early mosque in the Caucasus. Azerbaijanis are the first people in the Caucasus who accepted the faith of Islam and are still considered the bearers of this religion. Guests can view this unique religious monument.
Trip to Sheki.
Sheki . The city of Sheki is located 300 km northwest of Baku, in the southern foothills of the Greater Caucasus. The city was founded in the 8th century BC. The city of Sheki is surrounded by rivers, where severe floods often occur. One of the catastrophic floods, which almost completely destroyed the city, occurred in 1772. Then the city center was moved to the neighboring village of Soltan-Nukha, where the current city of Sheki is located.
We begin the tour with a visit to Naryn-Gala, a 17th-century fortress. Inside the fortress wall there is a round Albanian church (III-V centuries), the Palace of the Sheki Khans (XVIII century), workshops where they make the famous “shebeke” (a type of local stained glass art), etc. The building of the Palace of Sheki Khans
deserves special attention . During the construction of the two-story Palace, the master did not use either nails or fastening mortars. The palace is decorated with beautiful stained glass “shebeke” windows. It is surprising that the shebeke windows and doors, consisting of wooden and glass parts, were made without the use of nails or glue. The walls of the Palace are decorated with numerous frescoes depicting plants, battle scenes and royal hunting scenes. In its unique architecture, the building is comparable to the famous Bakhchisarai Palace in Crimea. Next we will go down to the Upper Caravanserai. On the way, guests will see ancient houses that belonged to famous Sheki beks (princes). The upper caravanserai was built in the 18th century. The city of Sheki was located on the Great Silk Road, so in the Middle Ages both local and foreign merchants came here. In Sheki they bought silk, carpets, and various handicrafts. In the Middle Ages, there were 5 large caravanserais operating on the territory of the city, of which only two have survived to this day.

Then we will go down to the center along one of the old shopping streets of the city. Along the way, guests will be greeted by numerous souvenir shops and confectionery shops, where tourists can try and buy the famous Sheki halva.
Night in Sheki.

Day 2.
Return to Baku.
On the way from Sheki to Baku on Lake Nokhur, stop at the summer-winter complex Tufandag and the village of Lagich.

Summer-winter Recreation and Tourism Complex “Tufandag”  – This recreational tourist facility is located in the city of Gabala. The complex opens up ample opportunities for complete summer and winter recreation. The construction of a ski complex near the hotel will allow tourists to relax in this beautiful place throughout the year and conduct various excursions to local attractions during the winter-summer period. The complex is equipped with a cable car. Walking on the cable car allows you to admire beautiful views of the mountain landscapes.

Lake Nokhur
Lake Nokhur with its unusually clean air and clear water is located in the most picturesque place of Gabala on the slopes of the majestic Caucasus Mountains. The beauty of Lake Nokhur is admired by everyone. And the silence, interrupted only by the singing of birds, creates an ideal atmosphere for relaxation away from the noisy city. Although swimming in the lake is prohibited (the lake is used as a water reservoir and source of supplying drinking water to Gabala and surrounding areas), it is an ideal place for fishing. Here you can also take a ride on small boats and catamarans to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Lahich is a perfectly preserved Azerbaijani urban village that has not lost its historical appearance. It’s as if he was “stuck” in previous centuries. The village is located at an altitude of 1375 m above sea level. The entire village of Lagich is a State Historical and Cultural Reserve. It is located in the Ismayilli region of Azerbaijan, on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus.
Lahij is an important and famous craft center of Azerbaijan. It is believed that it was here that the legendary Monomakh hat was made, which was worn by Russian tsars for many centuries. Lahij became especially famous for the production of bladed weapons and copper utensils decorated with engraved national ornaments. To this day, there are a dozen workshops operating here, where hereditary blacksmiths make various household items in front of amazed tourists.


Distance: Baku-Shemakha-Lahic (185 km, northwest) Duration: 9-11 hours 

The city of Shemakha   is located 120 km northwest of Baku. It is the ancient capital of Azerbaijan (the first capital of the medieval Azerbaijani state of the Shirvanshahs).
In Shemakha, guests will be able to see the oldest and largest mosque in Azerbaijan – Juma Mosque . The Juma Mosque, according to legend, was founded in the 8th century, when Shamakhi was chosen as the residence of the Arab Caliph. The Arabic inscription on the portal indicates the date of construction of the first mosque building – 742/743.

Lahij  is a perfectly preserved Azerbaijani urban village that has not lost its historical appearance. It’s as if he was “stuck” in previous centuries. The village is located at an altitude of 1375 m above sea level. The entire village of Lagich is a State Historical and Cultural Reserve. It is located in the Ismayilli region of Azerbaijan, on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus.
One of the important features of the village-reserve is that people still live here! And they not only live, but also thrive. Lahij is an important and famous craft center of Azerbaijan. It is believed that it was here that the legendary Monomakh hat was made, which was worn by Russian tsars for many centuries. Lahij became especially famous for the production of bladed weapons and copper utensils decorated with engraved national ornaments. To this day, there are a dozen workshops operating here, where hereditary blacksmiths make various household items in front of amazed tourists. 
The characteristic block development of the town is also very interesting. Medieval cobbled streets, squares and sewers dating back over 1000 years. Houses often do not exceed a height of two floors and are made of river stone, interspersed with wooden beams (anti-seismic belts)


Distance: Baku-Khinalig 230 km

Thanks to its favorable location and rich infrastructure, the Guba region is one of the favorite holiday destinations for tourists. Visitors have long chosen the place of Gyachresh, where they can relax in the shady forest.
On the territory of the region there is a unique high-mountain village of Khinalig, located at an altitude of 2400 m above sea level. The village population constitutes a separate ethnographic group with its own language. Now the village has 380 houses and about two thousand residents. The roof of one house serves as a courtyard for another house located above. The houses are very ancient: they are 200–300 years old. Khinalig people have preserved their traditional way of life. Since the village residents are mainly engaged in sheep breeding, weaving is widespread here.


Route: Baku – Shamakhi – Ismayilli – Gabala – Baku (about 220 km one way)

Day 1

Shamakhi. The city is located 120 km west of Baku, on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The ancient city is at least 2800 years old. This ancient city inspired A.S. Pushkin to write a poem about the Shamakhan queen. Unfortunately, frequent earthquakes repeatedly destroyed this ancient city. Only two historical monuments have survived to this day. One of them is the Juma Mosque (“Friday Mosque”). The Juma Mosque  was built in 743 and is considered the second early mosque in the Caucasus. Azerbaijanis are the first people in the Caucasus who accepted the faith of Islam and are still considered the bearers of this religion. Guests can view this unique religious monument.

Gabala is a beautiful corner of Azerbaijan with a rich and ancient history. For 800 years, the city of Gabala was the capital of Caucasian Albania, an ancient state located on the territory of modern Azerbaijan.

Lake Nokhur – in the Gabala region – is one of the most popular tourist places in our country. The lake is unusual, beautiful, surrounded by mountains and reed thickets, and resembles a mirror into which the wooded slopes look. The peculiarity of this reservoir is that, although it is located high in the mountains, it is easily accessible; you can get here by car and even stay in a local recreation area.
Summer-winter Recreation and Tourism Complex “Tufandag”  – This recreational tourist site, which has all the favorable conditions for recreation in the mountainous area, is located approximately 4 km from the city of Gabala. The “Qafqaz Resort” hotel complex, located in close proximity to the ski resort currently under construction, consists of three hotel buildings, a SPA center, and an entertainment park. This complex opens up ample opportunities for a complete summer holiday. The construction of a ski complex near the hotel will allow tourists to relax in this beautiful place throughout the year and conduct various excursions to local attractions during the winter-summer period. The complex is equipped with a cable car. Walking on the cable car allows you to admire beautiful views of the mountain landscapes.

Night in Gabala.

Day 2

Return to Baku. On the way, visit the village of Lagich.

Lahij – a perfectly preserved Azerbaijani urban village that has not lost its historical appearance. It’s as if he was “stuck” in previous centuries. The village is located at an altitude of 1375 m above sea level. The entire village of Lagich is a State Historical and Cultural Reserve. It is located in the Ismayilli region of Azerbaijan, on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. One of the important features of the village-reserve is that people still live here and not only live, but also thrive. Lahij  is an important and famous craft center of Azerbaijan. It is believed that it was here that the legendary Monomakh hat was made, which was worn by Russian tsars for many centuries. Lahij became especially famous for the production of bladed weapons and copper utensils decorated with engraved national ornaments. To this day, there are a dozen workshops operating here, where hereditary blacksmiths make various household items in front of amazed tourists. The characteristic block development of the town is also very interesting. Medieval cobbled streets, squares and sewers dating back over 1000 years. Houses often do not exceed two floors in height and are made of river stone, interspersed with wooden beams (anti-seismic belts).

End of the tour.

* If desired, you can visit the Alpaca farm in the city of Shamakhi and the Savalan winery in the city of Gabala.